Monday, March 23, 2009

Yes! The 4th INCOVAR Graduate Camp is back!

We are proud to announce that the job-seeker event of the year is back! Yes, the 4th INCOVAR Graduate Camp.

When? 5-7 June 2009 (Friday afternoon - Sunday evening)
Where? Maha Karuna Centre, Subang 2
Who should come? Open to all final year students and recent graduates
Investment required? Positive and willing to learn attitude, time and RM60

Do keep the dates for this camp, or else you may just regret it!
Watch this space for further notice. Limited spaces are available.

For those who want to have proprietary intelligence / register a place, please contact -
Bro. Alex Tan (016 420 4000) or Sis. Wendy Goh (017 319 5881) asap.

~ we inspire ~
on behalf of the 4th IGC team

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