33rd IDC
INCOVAR ค่ายธรรม
As the previous night after IXP ended with a pillow talk of ghost stories and exchanges of autographs alike till a good 3am (which made our facis just shook their head and sighed upon hearing this! haha), when Day 4 of the 33rd IDC started, there was a feeling among INCOVARians that it will be unlike the past three, especially after the experience we had during IXP. We began the day with a breakfast Dana – an offering of food to the sangha of Wat Chetawan. It was an interesting experience because for many of us, it was the first time we had to chance to do so. The offering was not a one way thing though, as the elder monks at Wat Chetawan chanted, in a soothing synchrony, to give us blessings for the wholesome Dhamma activities that we have participated in for the past four days.

As the sangha had dana in the kitchen, we took the time and had a break just outside at the fish pond area. It was a beautiful sight that morning in Chetawan, the trees at the area were shady, the sun was gentle, fishes were swimming freely in the pond as INCOVARians sat and talked, and just playing away on the pebble-clad massage stones. The atmosphere was most light-hearted, with smiles seen on everyone’s faces and occasional laughter filling the air. It was a sight which leaves one a very peaceful feeling, as though one is transported back to the Lumbini Garden of the Buddha’s time. Everyone had a good laugh when Bro Wei Loong excitedly jumped right onto the “sharp” massage stones, not only because it was a funny scene, but also because we were left wondering which side felt more pain – Wei Loong, or the stones.

As we finished our breakfast of eggs, bread and misc (which was a bit like MacDonald’s Big Breakfast remember? :D), we strolled together to the car park for the group photoshoots. As groups one by one posed in funny Buddhist and not-really-Buddhist poses, one can see smiling faces and cheeky expressions on each of our faces. As Sin Ye went feverish with her ‘Oh INCOVAR, Oh Oh INCOVAR!’ dance, Sister Hung Jen had more than she wanted when she was lifted up by her group members, drawing an“Ah Jen , lei hou hang fook oh!”(Sis Hung Jen, you are so blessed!) cry of envy from the other facis. We sprang and leapt gleefully for jump shots, which is when Yu Xin exclaimed that every time everyone jumped it seemed to be higher and higher, perhaps because of all the burden released during IXP the previous night. It was such a fitting statement.

At 9am, Venerable Fa Xun reinforced our understanding on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. After Sis Choon Sin reminded us that “we are actors in our lives, not a mere audience”, we were off to the next item – the Directors. We had a good laugh presenting and watching incredibly creative sketches, including one iPhone4 by the committee (it was quite a large (read: fat) iPhone4! hee :P not my joke, Jack!).

By the end of all the items, we found ourselves having had a (long-absent) good exercise of our stomachs! INCOVARians were then entertained with beautiful hymns from none other than iGemz, during whose performance Kong Ee got some long-awaited affection from the pretty Sis SueLynn, and Sin Ye’s dream finally came true when she got hers too from Bro Daniel. (he is however already attached. somemore very early wan. sorry sin ye!)
By 3pm of that Tuesday we were already packing and cleaning up, and finally the time came when we had to say our goodbyes at the end of the four days. Lining up in a long, long line we hugged each other, said our best wishes, and made promises to see each other again the next camp. I remember seeing Daphne bursting with tears, and her red, swollen eyes just continued to well up as she hugged us one after another. We were so closely knit at the end of the four days with each other – committee and participants alike - it just seemed so hard to say goodbye.
Embed this video :Saying goodbye on Day 4, by Sis Gift Rattanawala
33rd IDC inspired us, though it may be in different ways for each of us. Some of us let go of our worries, some found answers to their questions, but one thing that is definitely shared among us was that after the camp, we were all refreshed with a sense of spirituality, and a new outlook on life ahead. We learnt to see clearer, and live better.
The best thing about INCOVAR is being able to learn and share the Dhamma in a company of kalyana mitras, a group of friends one can, strangely, just feel at ease with at any time, any place, and even when you are apart, friends who will always hold you in their hearts with good and well wishes.
Committee, I noticed that this time we didn’t get to shout one“INCOVAR, we inspire!” together leh. So I am going to do one now, here goes! Everybody, 1, 2 , 3...
INCOVAR, you truly did. :)
Inspiration articles written by Bro Ken Juin
Photos: Bro Michael, Bro Yong Wei & Bro Song