Thursday, April 24, 2008

Updates! Updates!

Firstly, on behalf of INCOVAR, we wish to say goodluck & best wishes to all our brothers and sisters currently striving very hard in the final exams! Right effort good results.

Due to the exam fever, and for a chance for those final year students who'd yet to register, the closing date for the 3rd IGC is extended to 27th April 2008. We really hope you can benefit from this powerhouse 2-day course where we sought to bring out the successful corporate Buddhist in you! Don't let this chance to slip pass you to meet corporate managers bro. Keek Seng Bee, bro. Tan Huat Chye, bro. Benny Liow and bro. Charlie Chia... amongst those guest speakers invited.

And how often do we have a chance to attend lessons on grooming? Does being Buddhist truly give us the advantage in the working world? Let's find out more and give ourselves a chance to explore the possibilities!

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