Wednesday, September 07, 2005

24IDC Committees Induction Camp

It was a one-day camp held for all organising committees of this 24th Incovar Dhamma Camp. The focus for this camp will be shifted to "Mental Cultivation". We had bro Lee Lee Kim to share with us his profound knowledge on Bhavana (Mental Cultivation in Pali). On one side there are the 5 hindrances, on the other side there are the 5 faculties. Then there the 4 guardian of meditation and 4 foundations of mindfulness. *phewww... can you remember all that? Well let's see how the camp programmers will extract all that info experiential learning for the camp!

Rounds of group discussion were held to present some ideas. Wonder how a butterfly relates to a lightbulb and then to Taiping hill? Well, anyway we went to Paris for dinner (please allow someone else to order the dishes :P) and later in the night we had rich chocolate cake for supper! (Mama Mia... my mama made the delicious cake :P) What happened in between will be sworn to secrecy. It's for us to know, for you to find out!

All in all, it's a fruitful Induction Camp for everyone, having quite a number of us coming together for the highlight in the evening :) We'll make aspiration for this 24th IDC, may this camp be another successful chapter for Incovar!


Jyon said...

Inspiring the Future...
Keep up the good work there...

Anonymous said...

your shots so yau yeng.. with such yau yeng people in the camp... wow... next camp sei mei...

Songie said...

love the pics.I'm smiling looking at the pics!! thanks!!!!*HUGGIES TO ALL*