Full Moon Musical Puja :: Proper Puja Practice :: Sun, 1-Nov :: 8.30pm
Most of us, would have at one point or other, attend Pujas at temples, centres and homes. But what do we know about the practice of Puja? Can we practise Puja at home everyday? If so, how can we practise in the proper manner?
Come and learn about 'proper puja practice' and getting your questions answered by Datuk Dr Victor Wee on this Sunday Full Moon Musical Puja, 8.30pm at BGF.
Bro. MV Nathan will serenade us in the hymns singing segment.
Datuk Dr Victor Wee is the President of Buddhist Gem Fellowship and an accomplished Buddhist musician and singer. He has recorded five albums of Buddhist hymns in English with the Wayfarers. Datuk Victor holds a B.Econ. from University of Malaya, M.A. from Brown University, USA, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Bristol University, UK. The 'Buddha Puja' book is authored by Datuk Victor.
Bro. MV Nathan produced the inspirational Buddhist musical album "Journey" with melodious hymn songs performed by himself and friends. A mesmerizing singer especially with a guitar in his hand, bro. Nathan is actually a lawyer by profession and he hails from Melaka.Feel free to bring along fruits, flowers and even candies for Puja offering. Most importantly, bring your family and friends along to experience a spiritual Friday evening.