Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My experience in the 30th IDC in Kuantan!
I am grateful to be given the opportunity by Sis. Mei Joon to describe my experience attending the 30th INCOVAR Dhamma Camp in Kuantan Buddhist Association, from 11 to 14 December 2008.
It is now 1.28am, 29 December 2008, and I feel this is the last opportunity I have to properly describe 30 IDC from the heart, without distractions, as my time spent attending lectures later on (first day of a new semester) might dilute the beautiful memories of INCOVAR which are still vivid and comfortable to reflect on for now.
At first, I felt quite reluctant to join IDC this year, because Pahang seemed to be unfamiliar ground to me. But, I ended up registering anyway, two days late in fact. (Thanks Keng Yan!) The first thing that comes to mind about Incovar is that I have no regrets attending the camp at all.
On 10 December, a group of participants gathered at BGF, before we headed off to Kuantan. Playing mafia in BGF was a good icebreaker! The bus trip to Kuantan was delayed, but our spirits were kept up by constant friendly chattering and an impromptu singing performance by our Thai friends, as well as Malaysian friends.
The first thing that amazed me the next morning was the beautiful scenery! Formerly a mining ground, the lake, which was surrounded by trees and rocks, and minimally decorated, projects a calming energy, especially to busy city-dwellers. Looking down and across from the balcony of the third floor, the miles of greenery seen all around is equally soothing.
The theme for the camp this year was the Five Ennobling Virtues- Love, Sharing, Contentment, Kindness, and Mindfulness. As in 29 IDC, these ennoblers, being the message this time around, were conveyed clearly to us as we experienced how they can be fitted into our lives, through the activities and workshops planned.
Although I cannot remember all the activities, games and workshops throughout the four days offhand, I did make an effort to be present (body and mind) for each activity, and at each moment. Bhante Kumara accompanied us throughout the camp as well, and I developed interest in his sessions, because of his ability to understand how our mind works, with all its twists and turns, and teach us many things by simplifying complicated concepts and ideas. Datuk Dr. Victor Wee also livened us up with his musical talents, optimism, and open-mindedness.
Also, we had the opportunity to learn how to think out of the box with Uncle Bugs Tan and his amazing creativity, and his discovery of applying Buddhism to his talent of inventing new things. Besides that, Kar Wei was also very generous in enlightening us with tips on photography, and allowing us to have hands-on experience taking photos of scenery in the temple. Shalyn’s giant board game workshop (with equally giant Styrofoam dice) provided some physical action to the camp, and I really admire how the game was planned, with the five different tasks, and coordination of six groups playing all together.
In fact, I feel that every activity and each moment lived its place in the camp. Ranging from the real-life Facebook, Light & Easy (the most relaxing time of the day), Xiao Thoong’s workshop, to Wei Loong’s spaghetti, IXP, and so on, I appreciate every one of them, each in its own special way.
Also, our Thai friends graced us with their culture, language, sincerity, and willingness to form friendship bonds which may seem different at first, but are unique in their own ways. Thank you, Oil, Oam, Pinky, Champ, and all of you!

One of the best parts about INCOVAR is making new friends and getting to know people better. By attending this camp, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to interact with new and old friends, and experience the instant friendliness that Incovarians always generously offer.
Another happy thing to do is keeping in touch after the camp has ended- through Facebook and MSN, and through any other possible means! Concerning Facebook- commenting on photos, giving people nicknames and engaging in any other random idea which pops up helps me relive the spirit we shared during the camp, and also activate new areas of myself- especially towards being less quiet and reserved.
All in all, to me, 30 IDC was less intense and physical than 29 IDC, but encouraged more thinking and mental processing. I am also re-learning how to have fun again (without over-thinking), an effortless but vital skill which I have almost lost in the process of chasing through life. I learnt things which I never knew I never knew, and this experience as a whole forms a lasting and comfortable memory to reflect on.
However, at times, things did not proceed as smoothly as expected. But it is this very impermanence which provides both beauty and balance to life, as well as learning experiences.
Finally, to ALL of my Incovarian friends- participants, camp organizers, committee members, everyone- I sincerely thank all of you for a wonderful camp! (Thank you Mak Mak!) Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!
Goodness in Buddhism has always inspired me, and I am thankful for the chance to learn and be reminded of the Dhamma through these contemporary means.
As the wise claim, the gift of Dhamma excels all gifts. So, INCOVAR, please continue to inspire!
With metta,
Ming-Yi ^_^
(a.k.a mykhoo/mycool)
An Inspiration from
8:29:00 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Upcoming Activities at BGF before the end of 2008!
It is our pleasure to invite you to the following events at BGF before the end of the year 2008!
Date : 27th December 2008, Saturday
Time : 8.00pm
Sharing : Bro. Roland of M.O.D will conduct a'Sharing through Music' Feel free to bring along some fruits and flowers for Puja offering. Most importantly, bring your family and friends along to experience a joyful musical Saturday evening.
~* DHAMMA TALK by Ven. Ariya Nani *~
Date : 29th December 2008, Monday
Time: 8.00 pm
Topic: What is Freedom?
The history of men has been a history of people’s struggle to become free. Generally, people think of freedom as the license to do what they want, to speak what they want, and to think what they want.
In response to people’s struggle for freedom, the Buddha offered the Dhamma. With the Buddha’s teaching one can get free from the oppressing and tormenting states of mind which are the cause of suffering and dissatisfaction. The freedom the Buddha speaks of is an inner autonomy of the mind to do what is good, wholesome, and beneficial.
Venerable was born in Switzerland. She started to practice meditation during her training as a music and dance teacher at the conservatory in Zurich (1980-1984). In 1992, she went to Burma and ordained as a nun. Since then she practiced vipassana and metta meditation under the guidance of the renowed meditation master Ven. Chanmyay Sayadaw. She has translated Sayadaw U Indaka's book on Metta Meditation from Burmese into English and German.
~* BGF Year End Potluck Sharing & Gathering *~
Date: 31st December 2008, Wednesday
Time: 7.30pm - 12 midnight
Let's gather together to celebrate ushering the new year 2009 - BGF style! Firstly, there'll be a potluck dinner with sandwiches, vegetarian tomyam noodle, fried rice, curry chicken, fruits... (*please call sis. Mei Joon 012-3517615 to inform the dish you're bringing*)
After the 'buffet' dinner, we will transform BGF centre (with all your help) for Maha Buddha Puja, complete with candles-incense- flowers offering by YOU!
Datuk Dr. Victor Wee will lead us in the Sutta recital, thereafter he'll give a short Dhamma sharing. Lastly, countdown with igemz! (*would you like to make a song request or dedication?* )
What better way to spend the new year's eve countdown, which is to spend a cosy quality time at BGF, than being stuck in the jam around the city?
23rd EFFECTIVE SPEAKING COURSE 2009 is now Open for Registration! Commencing on 14 February 2009 & limited to 25 pax only, so don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to sharpen your skill in public speaking! (*or overcome your phobia of public speaking!*) Call sis. Jacqueline 016-6969799.
Have you registered for the Metta Meditation Retreat? Lead by Datuk Dr. Victor Wee to be held at Chin Swee Temple in Genting Highland from 7th February 2009 to 9th February 2009 (Saturday to Monday). Call sis. Doris 012-3110294.
Happy New Year! May your aspiration be fulfilled for the year 2009!
Buddhist Gem Fellowship
w : e :
BGF Centre : 60A Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
An Inspiration from
4:16:00 PM
Labels: Announcement, BGF
Monday, December 15, 2008
Moment to moments of awareness
Many at times, we tend to reflect the relevance of the Buddha Dhamma. How often do we Experiment and experience the Buddha Dhamma ourselves?
The Buddha had mentioned clearly that one should experiment the truth, experience the truth by ourselves, to taste the fruit of fruition.
There is very little significance if we just follow blindly although that results in good deed. We have to move forward, take the step ahead of us, to realize the path of fruition.
In our daily lives, we tend to distinguish distinctively between the various practices known to us. How do we choose? A question of yes or no, an inquiry into right or wrong. How do we decide.
Through proper understandings, one will be able to realize the path. How? With the emergance of various practices, we tend to fall into the situation of confusion, and many at times ignorance.
Look at things the way things are. How things (matter) arises. The Buddha Dhamma is about cause and effect. What are the causes? what are the effects.
Have you ever encountered a time where you experience the effect of a cause which we are not aware of it? Some of you may not as your practice is strong. How about those who are not?
Look into the matter, identify your choices. See the effects. This is awareness. This is moment to moment of awareness. Note it. Allow your mind to see the arising of causes. allow your mind to note the changes that is taking place. How it rise and how it fall. A process of rising and falling.
Does this sounds like meditation? Yes! Mental cultivation is a practice not confined to a certain way nor a condition. Yes. When we are in a condition, an environment conducive for practice, the mind has the ability to develop and strenghtens in the foundations of mindfulness.
Now, what happens when we are out of the conducive environment? Are we still able to have moment to moment of awareness? Yes its good if you can. But, how when we cant?
Look into the aspect of practice. As practice make a person strong and well versed. Once you are, you will be able to cope when changes happens, and thats the time you need it. Practice makes perfect.
Below is a reflection:
An Inspiration from
12:55:00 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha :: Friday Full Moon Musical Puja
On this coming Friday, how would you like to spend a nice, relaxing and spiritual evening at BGF? Let's join in the Full Moon Musical Puja.

Time: 8.30 pm
Speaker: Bro. Wong Mun Yee
Topic: Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha
Bro. Mun Yee will be sharing with us about his experience participating in a novitiate programme held in Bodhgaya recently, lead by Ven. Mahinda. With picture slideshow presentation of the holy site where Buddha attained Enlightenment, perhaps you too will be inspired to visit the sacred holy sites in India.
We would be inviting Bro. Nathan for a warm and sweet sing-along session. Feel free to bring along some fruits and flowers for Puja offering. Most importantly, bring your family and friends along to experience a spiritual happy Friday evening.
An Inspiration from
12:28:00 AM
Labels: Announcement, BGF
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
30th INCOVAR Dhamma Camp
An Inspiration from
12:47:00 PM
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Guiding Hearts: Encompassing the values of life
It was an amazing session where the committees spent 2 fruitful days to brainstorm and also to experiment the mechanics of the coming 30th INCOVAR Dhamma Camp at Kuantan, Pahang. Wow! At Pahang. Beyond boundaries, beyond klang valley. A first time after 22 camps.
The theme of the camp which is so appropriate at our current situation where economic and political turmoil unwind and affects many people across the globe. The values which we acquire through the understanding of the Buddha Dhamma, we exercise with wisdom.
The five ennobling virtues, derived from the core 5 precepts of the Buddha's teaching which is a guiding rule for us to lead our lives. These rules are not strict stringent rules, but more to a practical practice for our daily cultivation.
In this camp, we come together for the betterment of the tomorrow. A camp focussing on the values of live, making it relevant for ourselves and other. Its all about us and we.
Seeya @ 30th IDC...
From the team........
An Inspiration from
11:01:00 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
New Moon Musical Puja - Enriching Memories of Ladakh
You're all welcome to this new moon puja at BGF centre. Datuk Dr. Victor Wee, who led a group of Malaysians to visit Mahabodhi centre in Ladakh (northen India)
The opportunity to meet Ven Sanghasena & the chance to listen to his sincere, full of wisdom & compassion, frank but funny Dhamma sharing - truly inspiring.
It was during Autumn season, the himalayan mountain range was already partially covered with snow. The scenary of the turquoise Indus river flowing through the valley of the snow capped mountains - simply breathtaking!
Date : 28th November 2008, Friday
Time : 8.30pm
Topic : "Enriching Memories of Ladakh"
Speaker : Datuk Dr. Victor Wee
Feel free to bring along some fruits and flowers for Puja offering. Most importantly, bring your family and friends along to experience a spiritual happy Friday evening.
Buddhist Gem Fellowship
w : e :
BGF Centre : 60A Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. [map]
An Inspiration from
6:14:00 PM
Labels: Announcement, BGF
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Have YOU registered for Wacana 2008? Registration is open til 16-Nov!

There is only 2 more days to go and with very limited seats left!
Have YOU registered? We HAVE, because we believe in what we can achieve by coming together for WACANA*!
~ WACANA means "discussion" in Pali term. By coming together to discuss and exchange views and solutions, we can achieve better results in our respective areas and organizations.
If you are still pondering if it is worth the effort of spending a day at Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya on a beautiful Sunday, 7 December 2008, read on.

With a contemporary theme of "Buddhist Leadership in Malaysia: Vision, Values, Vitality", WACANA 2008 will revisit the development, directions, principles and dynamics of Buddhist leadership in the country.
A line-up of well-respected, knowledgeable and experienced presenters will share views that are relevant to our daily encounters of Buddhist leadership.
"If you think education is expensive, try IGNORANCE!" ~ Derek Bok
An Inspiration from
5:53:00 PM
Labels: Announcement
Friday, November 07, 2008
the CReativE PublishinG WorKshop is open for ALL volunteers!
Wonder how a fancy poster, or a colourful magazine is created? Where can you put your creativity and innovative mind in good use for your Buddhist group?
Welcome to the
Date : 22 November 2008 (Saturday)
Duration : 10am - 2pm
Registration : 9.30am
Facilitator : Bro. Pevin Yeo
Registration is open to all volunteers from any Buddhist societies, who need to be hands-on to do publishing work or who are willing learn.
Hurry register now through email to by providing these info:
Name? Society? Position? Experience in Publishing? What do you expect to learn from this workshop?
Limited to 30pax. All participants are encourage to bring along their personal laptop with the min specification:
- 1 GB ram (recommended)
- 1 GB free space for software installation
- Windows XP & above
- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Bridge CS3 installed
An Inspiration from
11:23:00 PM
Labels: Announcement, Creative, Publicity
Vision, Values, Vitality
A Buddhist leader is not our everyday leader. With the Buddha as our ultimate benchmark, much is expected from the leaders of our community. The Buddhist leader is the torch-bearer of the Dhamma and Sasana, thus he or she should be able, upright and selfless.
WACANA 2008 shall discuss the main elements of Buddhist leadership, that is, its vision, values and vitality. We shall define and reaffirm the critical role of the Buddhist leader in charting the growth and development of Buddha-Sasana, address the ideals and realities or our leadership, and contemplate the means to cultivate future visionary leaders.
WACANA 2008 is jointly organized by Nalanda Institute, Buddhist Gem Fellowship, and the Buddhist Maha Vihara. It is specially catered for Buddhist community leaders, activists, Dhamma propagators and any Sangha members and lay Buddhists who are keen in the subject of leadership development in the country.
In conjunction with the event, The 2008 Nalanda Awards will be conferred by the Nalanda Institute to pay tribute to lay Buddhists who displayed exceptional and exemplary leadership qualities in their respective areas of expertise. These individuals have worked tirelessly and contributed enormously in promoting and preserving the vision, values and vitality of Buddhism.
Be part of this gathering of Buddhist community leaders and activists at WACANA 2008 to discuss these pertinent leadership issues affecting the future of our community! To participate, please complete the online registration form before 16 November 2008.
An Inspiration from
2:01:00 PM
Labels: Announcement
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
"Guiding Hearts : Encompassing the Values of Life"
INCOVAR is proud to present... the exciting 30th INCOVAR Dhamma Camp, to be held in Pahang Buddhist Association, Kuantan from the 11th - 14th December 2008.
In this 30th installment, the camp themed "Guiding Hearts : Encompassing the Values of Life" will explore the guiding rules of the five precepts (Panca Sila), by concentrating on providing a positive focus for the participants to reflect upon. Utilizing elements from the five ennobling virtues (Panca Charita) which complements the values of the five precepts, participants can derive the core values which will challenge and guide them in their personal growth and practices in daily life.
Camp Features : Experiential learning workshops, Dhamma dynamics, prominent speakers and a network of local & international undergrads.
For further info & online registration, please visit and hurry register before closing date 23rd November 2008.
The camp fee of RM75 *so affordable?* is inclusive of meals, accomodation, camp t-shirt and camp materials. Transportation to Kuantan can be arranged with the organising committees.
For enquiries & transport arrangement, kindly contact :
.: Bro. Michael Lim @ 6 012-567 8023 (Penang/Northen region)
.: Bro. Chin Suey @ 6 012-357 2066 (all other parts of Malaysia)
.: Sis. Xiao Thoong @ 6 012-243 4105 (international)
.: Breaking Convention : Beyond Incovation :.
...we inspire...
www.incovar. blogspot. com www.incovar. org
An Inspiration from
9:20:00 PM
Labels: Announcement, IDC
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Full Moon Musical Puja with Datuk Dr Victor Wee on "Alchemy of Success"
Alchemy, generally, derives from the old French alkemie; and the Arabic al-kimia: "the art of transformation." As we know Alchemy is an alchemical processes going on in the laboratory of nature, and performed by the Great Alchemist -- the power of the divine Mind acting in nature. Would you like to learn the secrets of the ancient Alchemists...from the Buddhist perspective?
Then, come participate in this coming Full Moon Musical Puja at BGF centre!
Buddhist Gem Fellowship
w : e :
BGF Centre : 60A Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
An Inspiration from
11:13:00 PM
Labels: Announcement, BGF
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Last Chance to Register for EMT-2 :: starting 11Oct'08
For this EMT-2, the seven modules encompass : -
"AM I FIT FOR MY JOB?" - Bro. H.K. Loi (11 Oct'08)
Why is it that some people are motivated and perform well at work whilst other drag themselves to work everyday and in fact, dread to go to work?
If we examine our psychologically, we do realize that there is link between our personality and the jobs that are attractive to us. This means that we must first know ourselves before we embark on the journey of life. If only we can know our strengths and areas of improvement, we would fare much, much better in life, both personally and professionally.
* To enable participants to function more effectively through a self-understanding of their preferences and motivation at work.
And its impact on those within our circle of influence and contact.
The short session will use an internationally recognized psychometric instrument, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® or MBTI®
This method enable us to help us develop our potential, particularly in engendering greater understanding of ourselves and our colleagues (at work) and our family and friends and evaluating the fit between ourselves and our work.
1. To enable participants to understand creative thinking and its uses for personal advancement and organizational effectiveness, and
2. To expose participants to the potential of mindpower in living a fulfilling life.
- Understandng Our Mind
- Creativity and Innovation (Innotivity)
- Blocks and Catalysts to Creativity
:: About the Facilitator ::

HIGH PERFORMING MINDSET - Bro. Mitra Chong (8 Nov'08)
Be introduced to the seven elements of High Performing Mindset which will propel you to success in career and in life.
1. Desire
2. Commitment
3. Responsibility
4. Hard Work
5. Positive Believing
6. The Power of Persistence
7. Pride of Performance
:: About the Facilitator ::
Mitra Chong holds a Masters degree in Training and HRM from United Kingdom. He has been conducting seminars for more than a decade in the areas of leadership, motivation, team building, customer service and personal effectiveness. He is currently an Assistant General Manager in large insurance company, specializing in Human Capital and Organizational Development.
TIME MANAGEMENT - Dr. Ong Tien Kwan (25 Oct'08)
Time management is one of the key ingredients to a successful life. Procrastination and the inability to prioritise our activities in life are two main reasons why people fail in achieving the goals they set out for themselves. Time management skills incorporate the ability to clarify goals, prioritise activities and act on specific plans. The old adage that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail still holds true today.
:: About the Facilitator ::

Do you know one of the most challenging fact about surviving in a business is that we are constantly struggling to keep our customers everyday? How do you value your customer nowadays, internally and externally? Are you aware that your perceptions on service towards people within the organization will have a direct effect to the productivity and profitability? What is the outcome of building good relationship with people whom you work with? You can get those answers from this half-day workshop which is uniquely designed to help review your paradigm on people and service that will dramatically change your inner world of viewing people as customers.
Who Should Attend >
Telemarketers, Frontline personnel , receptionist, sales coordinator, customer service support staff and those who are interested to relearn what makes service tick especially in the way how to value people and customer in this competitive environment.
:: About the Facilitator ::

A much sought-after speaker and emcee in major corporate conventions and events, TK has reached out to audience in at least a few thousands since 2001. His most prominent skills in helping his seminar trainees to achieve personal effectiveness in change, sales, service, communications and building business network are his INFLUENCING, NEGOTIATION and RELATIONSHIP POWER based upon the technology of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy® and Ericksonian Hypnosis. This has been a culmination of results in leading his architectural firm as a business director and his extensive experience working with international companies such as Taisei Corporation ( Japan ) and Samsung Electron ( Korea ) in the area of architectural project management . He has dedicated himself in the last 7 years to discover the hidden secrets of the world's most successful communicators and business leaders to elevate himself ahead of others utilizing the latest strategies and technology in personal success, leadership, marketing ( branding ), sales and service. For him, customers' success is his FIRST priority.
Bro. TK is currently a Certified Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and a Certified NLP Master Coach. He is a registered member of the American Board of NLP (ABNLP) and Time Line Therapy® Association ( TLTA ), an associate trainer with the FMM Institute, a Certified Professional Trainer ( MIM-CPT® ) with the Malaysia Institute of Management ( MIM ) and an active practitioner member of the Malaysian Psychotherapy Association (MPA).
MINDULNESS IN DAILY LIFE - Dr. Chan Kah Yein (13 Dec'08)
Being mindful in daily life is being aware of the wonders around you, and being alive and awakened. Let go of the past, worry not about the future, but live in the present, mindfully and meaningfully. And the future will take care of itself.
:: About the Facilitator ::
Dr Chan Kah Yein holds a Ph.D (Mathematics Education) from Deakin University and is currently teaching tertiary-level Mathematics in a private college. She is a regular Dhamma speaker in various Buddhist centres in the Klang. In 2007, she won the Best Student Award in the United Malaysian Dhammafarers' 1st Dhamma Speakers Course. She was also a guest moderator at the recent 5th Global Conference in Buddhism 2007 last November. Dr Chan Kah Yein is an avid animal lover – practicing compassion to all sentient beings, as taught by the Buddha. She has written several articles on kindness to animals from a Buddhist perspective. Her latest book, Pawprints on my Heart reveals her heart warming experience in handling animals.
BUSINESS WRITING SKILLS - Sis. Sharon Ng (10 Jan'09)
:: About the Facilitator ::
Sharon Ng conducts corporate training programs; in the areas of personal change, presentations, customer service and business writing. Since the early 1980's she has been involved in inner work to transform herself. In her free time, Sharon organizes community events for ClovenClive and is involved in organizing healing sessions for other groups.
Hurry and submit the registration form attached via fax (603 - 6203 7580) or email
Limited to a maximum of 30 pax to ensure effective facilitation. Successful applicants will be informed latest by 4 October 2008.
Investment for course fee >
a) BGF Member - RM 200
b) Non-BGF Member - RM 250
c) Student Rate - RM 100
Group Registration of 3 pax
a) BGF Member - RM 180 x 3
b) Non Member - RM 230 x 3
Fee is inclusive of course materials and refreshments.
Buddhist Gem Fellowship
w : e : bgf_moderator@
BGF Centre : 60A Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
An Inspiration from
9:22:00 AM
Labels: Announcement, BGF
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
You can even bring their own lanterns for the Lantern Walk around the neighbourhood.
Students staying nearby BGF, don't miss out on the food & fun!
~ Program ~
7.00 pm : Potluck Dinner ...for the fellowship & plenty of food...
8.10 pm : Offerings & Puja ...for relaxing devotional practice...
8.30 pm : Sing-along SJBAYS youth group!
9.00 pm : Lantern Walk ...everybody esp the kids will enjoy...
9.45pm : Games ...suitable for all in the family...
10.05pm : Musical Presentation don't wanna miss by M.O.D!
10.15pm : Closing Invocation
For more further enquiries about the Mid Autumn Festival Celebration, feel free to call sis. Julie Soh @ 012-2120144.
An Inspiration from
2:27:00 PM
Labels: Announcement, BGF
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
DnD Blast
An Inspiration from
8:47:00 AM
Monday, September 08, 2008
I feel happy :)
DND2008... what an amazing night! Amigos Para Siempre, indeed! I hope you had a fabulous time. I sure did!
An Inspiration from
Nee Sern
7:03:00 PM
Labels: DnD2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
Can't wait for the Dinner & Dance!
I'm excited. I'm excited, because the 1st INCOVAR Dinner & Dance will be happening in only 5 days! I'm sure you are excited too, and can't wait to meet all your fellow INCOVARian friends. Do dress in your finest (the dress code is "when you were 18"), and come with open arms into a night of fun, celebration and appreciation.
If you haven't got your ticket yet, do contact us as soon as possible!
Amigos Para Siempre!
An Inspiration from
Nee Sern
3:58:00 PM
Labels: DnD2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Let's all make it for the INCOVAR Dinner!
On behalf of INCOVAR, we would like to invite everyone of you to the inaugural INCOVAR Dinner & Dance "amigos para siempre"- friends for life!
Your support for the dinner is very much appreciated. You can bring along your partner / family members, the price is the same. Remember your buddy or good friend way back during the INCOVAR camps? It'll be wonderful if you can help to ask them to come along, incase the organisers have missed out anybody.
When? 6-Sept-2008 @ 7.00pm
Where? Holiday Villa Subang Jaya (Classic Ballroom)
Let's make this event a success! Kindly RSVP asap for your dinner tickets.
because at INCOVAR
...we inspire...
sis. Mei Joon
~on behalf of the organisers~
hp: 012.3517615
*You can confirm your dinner tickets with cash payment handed to BGF treasurer
or via e-payment to organiser's account. Dinner tickets # will be given to you thereafter.*
An Inspiration from
11:43:00 AM
Labels: DnD2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
INCOVAR DnD 2008 - Amigos Para Siempre
don't say "boh eng'. feel free to post this up in your blog!
An Inspiration from
Aaron Tan
2:44:00 PM
Labels: DnD2008, INCOVARian
The "Harmony Here & Now" Musical Puja on 1st August
The topic presented by Uncle Daya motivated me to push myself more. Although his talk was unprepared his jokes as well as his experience was very enriching. The SJBAYS youths performing for the first time were commendable. They wanted a name for their newly formed musical group, how about ‘Subang Jellybeans’?
It wasn't a usual Friday; BGF held another New Moon Musical Puja and our team were invited to present our first performance on the 1st of August. It was my first time attending the Puja
I always thought that they call it Musical Puja because they will be chanting with rhythm. Turned out, it was the same Puja chanting we normally conduct during IDC. I feel the reason why the crowd never stopped attending the Musical Puja is because the committees kept the session very interactive, enjoyable and beneficial.
How beneficial? We were really honored to have Brother Daya to share his thoughts about "Harmony Here & Now" in conjunction with the Merdeka month of August. He stressed the importance of practicing Metta (loving kindness) in our daily life. With Metta being practiced universally by people from all nationality, religion and race, we can reduce conflict and harmony will prevail.
We ended the evening with the SJBAYS performance. The four of us lead the hymns singing segment by presenting “Three Refuges”, “Way out West”, “Cradle in Buddha's Arm” and “Buddha my Lord”. We were excited and anxious before the show. Thankfully everything turned out great and we do look forward to perform again in the future Musical Puja.
For those who had never joined, do come and see. Feel the excitement of learning to pray in a fun and interesting way.
~ Submitted by sis. Foong Xiao Thoong
An Inspiration from
1:30:00 PM
Labels: Article
Friday, August 08, 2008
INCOVAR cordially invites...YOU!!!
Just ONE MONTH to go before the Dinner & Dance. Have you got your dinner tickets? Calling all friends from all generations! Let's come together for a night to remember! Get your tickets now from bro. Chee Onn / sis. Mei Joon / bro. Wei Loong / sis. Swee Feng.
An Inspiration from
2:53:00 PM
Labels: DnD2008
Missioners Reproduction Model
Pictures from the Missioner Reproduction Model workshop...
An Inspiration from
Aaron Tan
10:26:00 AM
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
INTRODUCING :: Foundation of Buddhist Practice Course
Facilitator : Bro. Benny Liow
Date: 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Duration: 20 sessions starting 6 September 2008
Time: 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Venue: BGF Center, 60A Jln 19/3, Petaling Jaya.
Course Structure
The course spans over six modules with a total of 20 sessions with a term break for Chinese New Year in 2009. The course shall be confined to 30 participants so as to ensure a more personalized learning.
Registration and Course Fee
Just request for the Registration Form and mail to us or submit to Buddhist Gem Fellowship Centre before 26-August-2008. The organizers shall contact you in due course for confirmation.
A fee of RM40.00 shall be payable to cover the cost of study materials during the first lesson on 6-September-2008.
For more information, please contact:
Bro Ooi Chin Chye : 012.311.8094
Bro Alex Lim : 012.304.3828
Sis Doris Choong : 012.311.0294
Sis Dolly Teoh : 019.356.8879
Reminder, the CLOSING DATE is 25-AUG-08!
Module 1:
Turning the Mind Towards Dharma (6 sessions)
Precious Human Life, Impermanence, Karma and Samsara
Date: 6 & 20 Sept, 18 Oct, 1 Nov, 20 Dec 2008 and 3 Jan 2009
Module 2:
Understanding the Basic Doctrines (3 sessions)
Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path
Date: 17 Jan, 21 Feb and 7 March 2009
Module 3:
Building the Spiritual Fence (2 sessions)
Five Precepts and Five Ennoblers
Date: 21 March and 4 April 2009
Module 4:
Committing to the Path (4 sessions)
Refuge in the Three Jewels, Qualities of the Spiritual Master,
Qualities of the Student and The Altruistic Mind (Bodhicitta)
Date: 18 April, 16 May, 6 June and 20 June 2009
Module 5:
Walking the Path (2 sessions)
The Four Sublime States and Engaged Buddhist Practices
Date: 4 July and 18 July 2009
Module 6:
Learning from the Great Traditions (3 sessions)
Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana
Date: 1 Aug, 15 Aug and 5 Sept 2009
[ All sessions is held from 3.00pm to 5.00pm ]
Bro. Benny is the Chief Editor of Eastern Horizon. He had served as founder Chairman of the St Xavier’s Institution Buddhist Society (1976), President of the USM Buddhist Society (1977/1978), founder Chairman of the Buddhist Graduate Fellowship (1980), Education Committee Chairman of YBAM (1982-1984), and Vice Chairman of the Kota Kemuning Buddhist Center (2002-2006).
An Inspiration from
5:58:00 PM
Labels: Announcement, BGF
Friday, August 01, 2008
In the first series of EMT (I), the emphasis on Emotional-Quotient has been correlated with success, where EQ begins with Self Awareness. Socrates gave the advice "Know Thyself" approximately 2400 years ago and Buddha expounded on such profound self-knowledge of the mind 2500 years ago. The subject of "Am I Fit For My Job?" and "Time Management" is catered to assist you this category.
Self-awareness and cultivating inner strength (spirituality) has a solid grounding in leading a balance lifestyle yet achieving ultimate success. The significance of consciously practicing “Mindfulness in Daily Life” is deeply inspired.
In the realm of business and corporate life, how do you excel in your performance? Find out in “High Performing Mindset” and "Effective Mindset Change". Effective communication plays a key role in creating value for business or clients at work. Practically, you should benefit from “Business Writing Skills”.
Learning how to “Transform Your Customer Service Skills” will improve your verbal communication, which involves social interaction with people.
The EMT(II) syllabus is specially designed for
- Participants of the EMT (I) or
- Active in Buddhist activities or exhibit potential for Buddhist work or
- BGF members/non-members who are committed to put effort for personal development.
a) BGF Member - RM 200
b) Non Member - RM 250
Group Package of 3 pax
a) BGF Member - RM 180 x 3
b) Non Member - RM 230 x 3
Fee is inclusive of course materials and refreshments.
A group of Buddhist professionals, which comprise of Bro Loi Hui Kong, Bro Chan Tye Kooi, Bro Mitra Chong, Dr. Ong Tien Kwan, Sis. Sharon Ng and Dr. Chan Kah Yein who have generously volunteered their services to facilitate this course.
Contact Person for Registration:
Sis. Jacqueline @ 016-696 9799
(BGF Training Exco)
Limited to a maximum of 30 pax to ensure effective faciliation. Closing date of registration is 1 September 2008. Successful applicants will be informed latest by 6 September 2008. HURRY REGISTER NOW to avoid disappointment!
An Inspiration from
1:02:00 AM
Labels: Announcement, BGF